Unfortunately, some foreign women are often lured into prostitution under the watchful eyes of their pimps. The women have little or no protection against aggressive or criminal customer, neither are the operators of such sleazy budget hotels offer any security measures to prevent customers using their rooms for illicit or illegal trades.
There is a need to revamp the budget hotels to improve the regulations and enforcements to prevent street prostitution activities or vice rings to operate inside the hotels. Over the past few years, such hotels have become seeding for crime activities including illegal immigrants, prostitution, drugs related incidents, etc. The lawlessness of such vice rings and street walkers has turned the neighborhood into a ghetto affecting residents and families.
For instance, below is the Straits Times news of the gruesome murder of a pregnant Sri Lankan prostitute at a hotel in Lorong 18, Geylang Road in Sept 2008.
Man admits killing prostitute
Jan 11, 2010
Man admits killing prostitute
By Carolyn Quek
HE HAD sex with a pregnant prostitute twice in a Geylang hotel but when Indian national Madhuri Jaya Chandra Reddy asked for the third time, she wanted more money.
A scuffle ensued, and the 21-year-old general worker ended up killing the Sri Lankan woman and stuffing her body under the bed. Despite this, he took her valuables, found another prostitute and brought her back to the same room for sex.
Reddy, who worked in a shipbuilding company, pleaded guilty on Monday to committing culpable homicide not amounting to murder in September 2008. He will be sentenced on Thursday.
The High Court heard that Reddy got to know the Sri Lankan prostitute, also 21, less than a month before he killed her. She was seven months pregnant with a boy when she died and had two other sons aged six and two.
He was arrested on Sept 5 2008, two days after he took her to the Diammond Hotel at Geylang Lorong 18.
Reddy faces the maximum punishment of a life sentence.
Source: Straits Times news online