Thursday, September 13, 2007

Lawlessness behaviours :- Codeine or Cough Mixture Abuse

This short clip was sent to us and had been applied some effects to protect the identity of whoever involved.

Codeine or cough mixture abuses have been rampant due to easily access at backlane traders in the lorongs including 11, 13, 15, 17, 21 and 24 of Geylang Rd. in the past. It has been mentioned that drug addicts use this as cheap substitutes to give that 'high'. There had been several raids in the past, but the trades can still be seem in some backlanes.

The message is clear, our authorities should increase more enforcements and patrolling in the area or else, Geylang will be like neighbouring country who is suffering from increasing crimes.

There have already cases of murder of a prostitute, rape of China prostitutes, drug tradings and not forgetting the usual street prostitution. Confining the problems within the Geylang will not solve the problem because these activities are highly mobile and Singapore is a small country. This means the criminals and the crimes can be easily spread to other parts of Singapore in view of the small island area.


Anonymous said...

hahahaha....what a way to welcome tourists during national day. These chin gals must be shitty flirt with all those men...AIDS can only halt all these problems in your country!

Anonymous said...

At the backlane of lor 11 and 13, they trade openly in bicycles driven by foreigners to sell these cought mixtures.

Anonymous said...

去年有一天,当我送我的小孩去Blk. 9, Haig Road 的 Geylang Serai Kindergarten 时;